Happy 25th Anniversary!
Has it really been 25 years already? Our three branch libraries will celebrate their 25th anniversaries in the next couple of months!
The Dallas Street Branch Library anniversary is February 26,the Windsor Drive Branch Library anniversary is March 26,and the Miller Branch Library will celebrate on April 29.Each location is planning a celebration for commemoration, along with other related events.
Come help celebrate with the Dallas Branch on March 5, with anniversary storytimes at 10 & 11 a.m., and a branch celebration from ...

Adventure Begins at Your Library for Teens
Ready to read for fun and prizes? Whether you like to read books, e-books, or listen to audiobooks (or all three!) AND like to win stuff, the Adventure Begins at Your Library Teen Summer Reading Program is for you!
Register on ReadsquaredOne book (books, e-books, and audiobooks) equals 100 points. For every 100 points you earn, you’ll be entered into a weekly drawing for a gift card AND earn an entry into the end-of-summer grand prize drawing. The more you read, the more chances you’ll have to win. Register and track your reading progress at https://fortsmi...

Adventure Begins at Your Library! Summer Reading Fun for Kids!
Are you ready to read for fun and prizes? Grab a friend and sign up for the library’s online reading program! It’s easy AND fun! Listeners can earn points by listening to books, and independent readers can earn points for time spent reading. Register, track your progress, play games, and earn badges online at https://fortsmithlibrary.readsquared.com/. Download the READsquared app (available for iOS and Android devices). If you prefer paper, click here for listeners or here for independent readers. Read Full Blog

Adventure Begins at Your Library Summer Reading Fun
Adventure Begins at Your Library is this year’s summer reading theme, and all ages are invited to participate! The Fort Smith Public Library’s annual summer reading program for kids, teens, and adults will begin June 1. The program is one of the many ways the library works to create a community of readers and library users. Through fun themes, activities, and prizes, the summer reading program offers incentives for spending time reading or listening to books. The summer reading program begins June 1 and runs through July 31. Participants can drop by any l...

Miller Staff Picks!
Mrs. Tiffany reads a little bit of everything, mostly listening to the books on audiobook using the library's digital resources Hoopla and Library2Go. A couple of her favorite books from 2023 are:
November is DINOvember and the dinosaurs are invading the Miller Branch Library! Join us for some fun dinosaur-themed events at the library during the month!
The dinosaurs are busy playing and making messes around the library. Can you find them all on our Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt? Let one of the library staff members know when you locate them all and get a fun dinosaur reROARd (reward)! The Dinosaur Scavenger Hunt is available all month during library hours.
Dino Blast LLC will be visiting the Miller Branch on Thursday, November 2nd at 4:00 p.m. wi...

Pumpkin Decorating Contest!
The Miller Branch is having a pumpkin decorating contest! Pick up an entry form at the Miller Branch or print off an entry form, decorate the paper "pumpkin" as your favorite book character, and return your masterpiece to the library by Friday, October 27th. The winner will be announced on Monday, October 30th!
We are starting a Hoopla Book Club!
The Miller Branch Library is starting a book club with Hoopla! Read or listen to the book selection and then let us know what you think about it during our book discussion, on the last Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Visit Hoopla to check out the book digitally (for FREE with your library card!) or borrow a print copy from the Fort Smith Public Library.
Don't know what Hoopla is? Hoopla is a digital media service that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your...

Wiggle Worms Storytime
Baby storytime is BACK at the Miller Branch! Bring your wiggle worms ages 0-24 months to a fun and interactive storytime every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
Why baby storytime? Reading stories to children helps to grow and nurture imagination. As you read to them, children can envision the stories in their minds however they choose to! This builds creativity and their capacity to imagine. Storytimes help to enhance listening, focus, and social skills. Even if your child doesn’t sit still for the duration of the program, you are h...

Join us for STORYTIME!
Join us for Friday storytimes at 10:00 a.m. at the Miller Branch! Mrs. Melanie has been teaching children since 1985 and has been leading the Friday storytime at the Miller Branch since 2014. Children that have attended her storytimes over the years have adored her sweet manner, fun stories, and creative crafts – she always has a fun and interactive storytime to share!
We thought it would be fun for Mrs. Melanie to answer a few questions for us:
What is your favorite children’s book?
Mrs. Melanie: “My...

Back to School!
Are you getting ready to head back to school? We have a lot of excellent books for you to read that will get you prepared! If you'd like to check the availability of a book in our catalog, simply click on the book cover below.

Oceans of Possibilities for Teens
Ready to read for fun and prizes? Whether you like to read books, e-books, or audio books (or all three!) AND like to win stuff, the Teen Summer Reading Program is for you! There are oceans of possibilities for you at the Fort Smith Public Library beginning June 1st, so make plans to participate.
SRP is OnlineLike last year, the teen summer reading program is online! One book equals 100 points. For every 100 points you earn, you'll be entered into a weekly drawing for a gift card AND earn an entry into the end-of-summer grand prize drawing....

Oceans of Possibilities for Kids!
Are you ready for the Oceans of Possibilities summer reading program? Dive in and sign up for the library's online reading program! It's easy and fun! Starfish Listeners can earn points by listening to books, and Dolphin Readers can earn points for time spent reading. Register, track your reading progress, play games, and earn badges online at https://fortsmithlibrary.readsquared.com/. Download the READsquared app (available for iOS and Android devices).
For more information,...

May the 4th Be with You!
May the 4th – or Star War’s Day - is a special day for Star Wars fans. The title is a play on the words, “And may the force be with you!” that originated from the first movie, Star Wars: A New Hope.
FUN FACT: Do you know when the first instance of May the 4th being used as a Star Wars pun was? Margaret Thatcher was elected as the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister on May 4, 1979 and her political party took out an advertisement with the London Evening News saying, “May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie.” Since then, the pun and celebration...

April is National Poetry Month!
National Poetry Month began in April 1966 and was introduced by the Academy of American Poets. It serves as a reminder of the vast role that poetry plays in our culture and that poetry is important. The month has grown into the largest literary celebration in the world, with tens of millions of people participating!
You can celebrate National Poetry month with children by exploring rhymes, songs, and verse. Check out some of these recommended books in verse and start engaging your children in poetry. If you'd like to check the availability of a book in our ...