Board of Trustees

Board members sitting in conference room during a discussion

About the Library Board of Trustees

The Fort Smith Public Library is governed by a seven-member citizen Board of Trustees.  The trustees are residents of Fort Smith, appointed by the Mayor with approval by the Fort Smith Board of Directors.  Each trustee is appointed to a five-year term and may be reappointed to a second five-year term.  Applications for board positions are available on the City of Fort Smith website.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall direction and management of the Fort Smith Public Library.  The board generally meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Most meetings are held at the Main Library, but occasionally the board meets at a branch library. 

The Fort Smith Public Library Board of Trustees welcomes public input.  Library board meetings are conducted in compliance with the open public meetings subsection of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act of 1967.  It should be noted that while the law requires that meetings be open to the public, it does not require any sort of public forum.

Citizens who wish to speak to the Board during a meeting should call or email the library director by noon on the day of the scheduled meeting.  The full policy can be found here.  


2025 Board of Trustees members are:

Christopher Hooks, President

Tyler Armstrong, Vice President

Amy Skypala, Secretary 

Shirley Hartwig, Treasurer

Madeline Martinez Santiago

Jeremy Wann


For more information about the Library Board of Trustees, contact Jennifer Goodson, Library Director.

2025 Board Meetings

January 21 - Main Library

February 18 - Main Library

March 18 - Main Library

April 15 - Main Library

May 20 - Main Library

June 17 - Main Libary

July 15 - Main Library

August 19 - Main Library

September 16 - Windsor Drive Branch

October 21 - Dallas Street Branch

November 18 - Miller Branch

December 16 - Main Library