The library is not the same without you.

The library is not the same without you.

Hey all you cool cats and kittens!  We are busy working on various projects while we are closed, but we miss you all tremendously.  Here are just a few of the things I ( Mrs. Tiffany :) miss the most:

  1. Laptime storytime.  I miss sitting in the floor with everyone, singing and reading books.  I miss Hudson’s excitement for bubbles.  I miss Ellie and Grace sitting beside me, helping with the closing songs.  I miss sweet Audrey’s smiles and Calder’s serious face.  I miss everyone.
  2. Friday storytime.  I miss listening to Mrs. Melanie’s stories and songs.  I miss Trace insisting that I sit on the floor, so that he can sit in my lap.  I miss Norah and her brother Maverick, Avery, Charlotte, Esther and her sister Hannah, Anna Kate, Witt and his sister Blake.  I miss everyone.
  3. Crafty Corner.  I miss crafting with my ladies once a month.  Yes, ladies.  Occasionally there is a boy that shows up to craft; they are very much welcome, but the occurrence is rare.  Much fun and laughter are had when everyone shows up to experiment with a craft like fire painting and cookie decorating.
  4. Helping people.  I miss being able to help find and recommend books for customers.  I miss helping customers when they need assistance on the computer or with any of our various electronic resources like Kanapy and Library2Go.  (You can still call me at 479-646-3945 and I will help on the phone!)
  5. Community.  I miss going out into the community and promoting the library.  I miss visiting students at local schools to read stories, explain how to get library cards, and get them excited about the Summer Reading Club.
  6. My staff.  Right now, it is just Ms. Liz and I working away inside the branch.  I miss seeing my fun staff every day.
  7. You.  I miss you all.

Without these things, the library is just not the same.  There are too many people to name but just know that WE MISS YOU ALL!

While we are apart, one thing that you can do to cheer us up, is to send us your bookfaces.  Before we closed, I had planned on having a passive program, where everyone could share their book faces and the library would post the pictures.  You can make a bookface by strategically lining up your face with a book cover that features a face, completing the picture.  Jozie is shown as an example of how to make a bookface.  Email me your photos at and your picture just might be shared on this blog!

Stay safe and know that we are thinking about you.

Mrs. Tiffany