From the Director's Desk: FSPL History
The history of the Fort Smith Public Library has been a hobby/passion/interest of mine since I became library director in 2004. Today’s FSPL began with the opening of the Carnegie City Library on January 1, 1908, the first of what would be four Carnegie libraries in Arkansas. The first librarian was named Starr Weaver. I know from reading the minutes of the library board meetings how hard she worked to open Fort Smith’s first public library.
One of the things I like to do is collect postcards of our library. I like them best when they have messages on them and have been sent through the mail. I recently received what will undoubtedly be the favorite in my collection.
It is postmarked January 6, 1908. The message says:
“How do you like our new library? We are just moving in, & I am librarian. Thanks so much for your postals. I always enjoy hearing from you. Starr Weaver”
Jennifer Goodson, Library Director
If you enjoy looking at historical post cards, you can view the library’s post card collection in the Genealogy Department.