All library locations will be closed September 2nd for Labor Day.

Random Acts of Kindness at the Library

Random Acts of Kindness at the Library

Neil Gaiman once wrote that "a library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it. That includes health information." Mental health conditions are common among teens and young adults. 1 in 5 teens and young adults live with a mental health condition. At the Fort Smith Public Library, we want to help teens find the information and stories they need to understand mental health. 

National Mental Health Awareness Month

Since May is National Mental Health Awareness month, we want to raise awareness of mental health and fight stigma! Finding help is as easy as checking our website. We provide a list of hotlines and resources for anyone struggling with mental health issues at any time. 

There are many fiction and non-fiction books about mental health in our young adult collection. Check out the teen page for some of our favorite titles!

Kindness is Contagious

Did you know kindness is teachable and contagious? The RAKtivists (short for "Random Acts of Kindness activist") at have some great information about how showing kindness to others can increase your energy, happiness, and serotonin levels, while also decreasing anxiety, stress, and depression! 

The #FSPLTeen Challenge

You can always give something, even if it is only kindness. Anne Frank quote.

We were so inspired by their kindness missions, we decided to start our own. During the month of May, visit the "Give and Take" teen bulletin board at the main library. From the board, you can take an inspiring quote on everything from happiness to self-control; whatever you need to hear that day. Take the next step and become a kindness ambassador by taking a Random Act of Kindness challenge and completing it at school, the library, or in your community. 

Be sure to tag us on Facebook or Instagram when you post about your Kindness Missions!