Windsor Drive Branch Storytimes

Woman reading to children during storytime at Windsor Drive Branch


Stoytime is an excellent way for young children and their adults to participate in an interactive, literacy-based experience at all four FSPL locations.  Storytimes feature stories, songs, puppetry, finger plays, flannel stories, manipulatives, and movement. Not only is storytime fun, it's an excellent way for adults and caregivers to interact with their children while helping them build early literacy skills and laying the foundation for preparing children to learn to read. 

Preschool Storytime

Preschool Storytime is for children ages 3-5 and their adults.  Lasting about 30 minutes, preschoolers and their families will enjoy music, books, and early literacy activities chosen just for them.  A variety of literacy-based activities are included each week, such as stories, songs, puppetry, finger plays, flannel stories, manipulatives, and movement. 

   Mondays @ 10 a.m. at the Windsor Drive Branch

Click here for information about all of the Fort Smith Public Library’s storytime programs.

Storytime Etiquette

For the comfort and enjoyment of everyone, please follow the ABCs of Storytime:

The ABCs of Storytime etiquette information graphic